Fire emblem warriors switch spriters resource
Fire emblem warriors switch spriters resource

fire emblem warriors switch spriters resource

Quickly, Lisa rolled her out the down and downstairs where Rita almost ran into them. Lynn: Uh, what’s happening to me? Lisa: In conjunction, you’re swelling up! Lynn: Into what? And why do I smell blueberries? Lisa: To put it simply, you’re becoming a blueberry! Haven’t you seen those movies about a candy factory? Lynn: yeah?…wait, now I get it! I should’ve realized! The swelling slowed down and Lynn rounded out into a ball, a blueberry, but just as she breathed relief, her swelling started up again. Seeing her entire body swelling and expanding left her confused and surprised. Her arms and legs started to swell up too. soon she felt her hips and her rear end expanding as well. Looking down she saw that her gut was suddenly bloating and pushing outward.


Lynn: Whoa, I don’t feel so good… Lisa: Oh dear… Lynn: What? (Her skin turns blue) why are you looking at me like that? Lisa: Uh… Lynn: And why are my hands blue? Wait, why is all of me blue? What’s going on? Lynn felt something else inside her, like a balloon blowing up inside her stomach, or to be more precise, a water balloon. It felt like liquid sloshing around inside her her belly. (Happily Guzzles it down) Lisa: Blueberry water? What a re you- GASP! LYNN NO! DON’T DRINK THAT! Lynn: why not? Lisa: That’s not water, that’s my formula! You drank it! The worst part is we don’t know what will happen if it effects a human being like you! Lynn was about to question why, but she suddenly felt something inside her. On second thought, it tastes even better this way. Lynn: This water tastes like blueberries. It was the same untested mixture made by Lisa that said “Do not touch”, yet the sporty sister drinks it anyway. But unbeknownst to her it wasn’t her water. I made it in hopes of helping farmers grow fruit faster to avoid a produce shortage, which reminds me I have to do the same to help avoid a vegetable shortage and blah blah blah… Lynn was getting bored hearing Lisa ramble on and grabs her cup of water that she laid on the table without looking. What is it? Lisa: It’s a mixture made from the extractions of blueberries. I haven’t tested it yet but I will once I’m done making sure everything’s complete. Lynn: hey Lisa, what are you doing? Lisa: Working on a new mixture. She goes to check on Lisa, who is doing science work.

fire emblem warriors switch spriters resource

It all happened one day when Lynn was dying of boredom.

Fire emblem warriors switch spriters resource